UPCOMING February 2025・Very please to have been invited with Scottish printmaking Constanza Dessain to the Helsinki International Artist Programme residency at the historic UNESCO site the Fortress of Suomenlinna. 

July 2024・My first public commission Glow for the historic Art Nouveau building Hotel GLO Art is now installed on the groung floor of the guest wing.

June 2024・Grateful to the Oskar Öflund Foundation for supporting my work with a grant.

UPCOMING March 2025・Delighted to announce an upcoming solo show, Narkissos will be hosted by Galleria HUUTO, Helsinki.

UPCOMING May 2025・Excited to be heading north to the Bioart Society‘s Ars Bioarctica residency at the Kilpisjärvi Biological Station in Sápmi during May-June 2025.

September 2024・My first solo exhibition post-graduation Hanasaari Requiem will be shown at B-Galleria, Turku from the 12-29th of September. Opening night saturday the 14th.

April 2024・Participating in a two-week workshop Ways of Seeing hosted at the Biofilia laboratory hosted by Aalto University and the Bioart Society.

January 2024・Honoured to be selected for the Saastamoinen Foundation International Mentorship Programme ’24-25.


December 2023・Graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki with a MFA in Painting. My thesis was awarded a Diploma for outstanding achievement.

September 2023・A small solo exhibition Fleur du Mal will be presented at Galleria Rajatila, Tampere. Opening night 22nd of September.

May 2023・Honoured to have been awarded a grant by the Anita Snellman Foundation for my MFA degree show work The Structural Colour Paintings.

May 2023・Presenting my MFA degree show at the ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS HELSINKI until 4th of June. I am delighted to invite you to see The Structural Colour Paintings — the project that I have been pursuing these past two years. The show was featured in  Helsingin sanomat , Hufvudstadsbladet, and several smaller publications.

March 2023・Showcasing recent artistic research conducted in Japan, LOWE & HALLENBERG — Heavy Element with Meri Hallenberg is on view at the Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki.

February 2023・Ecstatic to announce that my entry Glow has won First Prize and Audience Favourite in the Hotel GLO Art competition. Looking forward to working on my first public commission.


November 2022・My solo exhibition Memento Mori will be exhibited at Galleria Paperihuone, Hämeenlinna, 1–30 November. Featured in Hämeenlinnan Sanomat newspaper and local magazines.

October 2022・Deeply grateful to be awarded the Academy of Fine Arts HELSINKI working grant.

October 2022・Researching Wunderkammer at the Berlin artist residency hosted by the Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki and Kungliga Konsthögskolan.

June-August 2022・Pursuing artistic research in Japan with Meri Hallenberg. Sincere thanks to the Sasakawa Foundation and GJ Ramstedt Fund, as well as the Japan-Finland Society for their support.

February 2021・Delighted to have my painting Silent Spring featured in Koti&Keittiö magazine.


December 2021・Parcipicating in the Bioart Society Down to Earth soil chromatography workshop sponsored by the Wihuri Foundation.

November 2021・Most delighted to announce that I have been accepted into the Masters programme in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki.

October 2021・Delighted to announce that I have been selected as a member into the Bioart Society.

August 2021・Exhibiting in a group show celebrating the launch of the Helsinki Artists Association new space Galleria Katariina 13 – 29.8.2021.


December 2020・Most pleased to have been featured in KOKORO magazine with Meri Hallenberg.

August 2020・So very pleased that one of my paintings from the Meadow series has been selected for the Helsinki Artists Association 25th Anniversary show at Galleria Rickhard, Helsinki.

May 2020・My solo exhibition Love in the time of corona will be on show at Galleria Kajava, Helsinki. 

March 2020・Delighted to have been selected for the Young Watercolour Artist show at the Finnish Watercolour Society’s gallery, Helsinki.

February 2020・A small display of my paintings Living Landscapes is on show at the Finlandia Hall, Helsinki.